Is there a way to clear a @font-face downloaded font from the browser cache?

Recently, I realized that I made an error in my webapp release by using a limited version of "Droid Sans" with @font-face for Latin characters. The font files are hosted on my server. To rectify this issue, I have now updated the font to the full version since most of my customers are Spanish. However, new customers have no problem accessing the complete font, but those who initially accessed it with the limited version cannot see special characters.

I suspect that the old font is stored in the browser cache, but I am struggling to remove it.

@font-face {
font-family: 'Droid';
src: url(/files/DroidSans.eot);
src: url(/files/DroidSans.eot?iefix) format('eot'),
     url(/files/DroidSans.woff) format('woff'),
     url(/files/DroidSans.ttf) format('truetype'),
     url(/files/DroidSans.svg#webfontw7zqO19G) format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;

@font-face {
font-family: 'DroidBold';
src: url(/files/DroidSansBold.eot);
src: url(/files/DroidSansBold.eot?iefix) format('eot'),
     url(/files/DroidSansBold.woff) format('woff'),
     url(/files/DroidSansBold.ttf) format('truetype'),
     url(/files/DroidSansBold.svg#webfontSOhoM6aS) format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;

body, a, p, div, span, li, td, th, caption {
  font-family: Droid, Optima, Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 10pt;
  line-height: 14pt;

Answer №1

To solve the issue, simply switch the font name as it is the key factor that determines whether the browser has cached the font or not.

Answer №2

One clever strategy to trigger a refresh could involve inserting gibberish into the font URL as a query string (or following @Silver light's advice by modifying the font name, naturally! Simple yet effective).

@font-face { font-family:Garamond; src:url(garamond.eot?r=1234567); }

Naturally, this method requires that the source containing this data be reloaded simultaneously. If it pertains to an external style sheet, you might need to employ the same workaround to enforce a refresh:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css?r=1234567890">

Answer №3

Modify the font name and link in the CSS file to enhance website performance. By properly configuring your server for static files (etag, cache time), browsers will not need to request a newer version of the file frequently.

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