Is it possible to adjust an inline CSS style upon clicking a link?

I currently have a form that is hidden using inline styling style="display: none;"

Is there a way to dynamically update this style to style="display: inline;" once a specific link on the page is clicked?

Answer №1

Simply put

<a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('myform').style.display = 'inline';">Click here</a>

Latest Update

jQuery is a compact JavaScript library that can accomplish numerous tasks with minimal coding on the developer's end.

To start using jQuery, I recommend reading "Understanding How jQuery Works", which provides all the necessary information to begin using jQuery effectively.

This is the breakdown of the code provided in the fiddle.

Begin with the link & form

<a id="linktotoggle" href="#">Click Here</a>
<form id="formtotoggle"></form>

Note the IDs given to the link and form above. This is how we will select the elements in the script, similar to document.getElementById().

Initially hide the form

#formtotoggle { display: none; }

Now let's implement the jquery

$(document).ready(function() {
// ^ This event triggers once the entire document has loaded to ensure the manipulation always takes place.
   $("#linktotoggle").click(function() {
   // ^ Attach a click event to our link
        // ^ Select the form and toggle its display


This should be adequate to help you get started.

Answer №2

Attach a click event to the anchor tag and change the form style to display:block. You can refer to this JS Fiddle for assistance:

Answer №3

To make the form visible using JavaScript, you must first select it in your code. Use the following function if your form has an id of myform:

function displayForm() {
    document.getElementById('myform').style.display = 'inline';

Next, attach this function to your link's click event. One simple way is to set the link's onclick attribute to displayForm(); return false. For better organization, consider placing this script in an external JavaScript file.

Answer №4

Check Out this Code Snippet!

 <a href="#" id="mylink">mylink</a>
    <form id="myform" style="display:none;">add your form here.</form>
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('#mylink').click(function () {
            $('#myform').css('display', 'inline');

Answer №5

Take a look at this JQuery code snippet.

To Show

$("#lnk").click(function () {  
$("#result").attr('Style','display: inline;'); // can use this 
$("#result").attr('Style','display: block;'); // or this


To Hide

$("#lnk").click(function () {  
$("#result").attr('Style','display: none;');

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