Selecting the next element in the DOM using Javascript

Here is the structure of my current setup:

<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="first">
        <a class="button" href="">click</a>

    <div class="second">
         <div class="third">

I am trying to achieve this: upon clicking the a tag, I want the .third div to animate.

Currently, this is what I have written: ->
        left: '+=100%'

However, the issue arises when there are multiple wrappers on the page. Upon clicking the button, all '.third' div elements in each wrapper animate. How can I specifically target and animate only the desired one?

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Give this a try:

$('button').on('click', function(){
     var second = $(this).closest('.container').find('.second'); 
     //use the second variable for animations

You have the option to utilize closest or parents.

Answer №2

To animate a specific div, give it an id and then use the id in the animation function like this:

$("#second").animate("top", "50%");

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