Internet Explorer is automatically inserting extra vertical space after the first list item in a basic menu design

Does anyone else have trouble with IE? (Or is it just me?)

I'm creating a list with a background. The first and last LI elements are 5px high, while the others are 16px high.

However, in IE there's a strange blank space between the first and second LI elements. Firefox and Safari display it correctly though.

I've tried several solutions but nothing seems to work. I'm stumped...

Below is my CSS:

ul {
li {
.li_norm {
    background:url(images/modele/li_norm.gif) no-repeat;
.li_over {
    background:url(images/modele/li_over.gif) no-repeat;
.li_haut {
    background:url(images/modele/li_haut.gif) no-repeat;
.li_bas {
    background:url(images/modele/li_bas.gif) no-repeat;

And here's my jQuery code:

$("#conteneur").append('<ul />');
$("#conteneur ul").append('<li class="li_haut"></li>');
var a= ["Essai 1", "Essai 2", "Essai 3"];
for (var i = 0, j = a.length; i < j; i++) {
    $("#conteneur ul").append('<li id="new_'+i+'" class="li_norm">'+a[i]+'</li>');
$("#conteneur ul").append('<li class="li_bas"></li>');

The issue can be seen in this picture:

Strange spacing in IE with LI

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Answer №1

Consider adding a spacer gif or adjusting the line-height of an empty li element with a height of 5px to fix the gap in IE. The IE Developer tools might indicate that the first LI is causing this issue.

An alternative approach could be applying the top style to the UL background instead of inserting an empty LI. Another suggestion is to use the container's image as a background and set the UL background as the bottom to avoid extra LIs.

Instead of repeatedly using $("#conteneur ul"), storing it in a variable can help minimize lookups throughout the code.

Answer №2

I'm not certain if this solution will be effective, but you could attempt applying the .li_haut class with overflow:hidden.

.li_haut {
    background:url(images/modele/li_haut.gif) no-repeat;

Answer №3

Incorporating a CSS reset sheet can be beneficial for setting a uniform style in every project.

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