Center the cropped image within a div container

Is there a way to set a maximum height for a div containing an image and hide the parts of the image that exceed this height, while keeping it centered vertically inside the div? For example, if the browser width is 1200px and the image aspect ratio is 4:3, the image should display at (1200x900)px. However, if we want to crop the height to 300px and center it vertically, the image should be positioned at -300px inside the div.

This may require JavaScript, but I'm curious if there's a CSS solution as well. Thanks in advance!

Answer №1

Here is my perspective on this:

HTML Code Snippet

<div class='box'>
  <img src="">

SCSS Styling

  // defining the image container dimensions 

  // The magic happens here
  > img{
    transform:translate(-50%, -50%); 
    &.max{ width:auto; height:100%; }

Javascript Function for Responsiveness

var photo     = document.images[0],
    container = document.querySelector('.box');

$(window).on('resize.coverPhoto', function(){

function checkRatio(){
  var state = photo.clientHeight <= container.clientHeight && 
              photo.clientWidth >= container.clientWidth;

  photo.classList[state ? 'add' : 'remove']('max');

Answer №2

If you're interested, check out this question: Resizing an oversized image using overflow:hidden and maintaining the aspect ratio

.grid_3 { width:260px; margin:0 20px; float:left; text-align:center;
  overflow:hidden; background:rgba(255,255,255,0.02);}

.grid_3 a {
  height:171px; border:solid 2px #FFFFFF;
.max-img-border { width:100%; margin:-100% 0; vertical-align:middle;

Here's another example pen that explores vertical-align:middle with an image having virtually no height in the flow:

Keep in mind that setting an image in the background center is simple if it doesn't need to convey any specific meaning in your content.

Answer №3

Are you looking to have the div act as a window for your image display? It reminds me of image sprites, which is when multiple icons are combined into one large picture and then displayed individually:

If you share a JSFiddle link with me, I can offer more specific help.

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