Spartacus 3.3 - Unleashing the Full Potential of the Default Sparta Storefront Theme

Looking for advice on how to customize the default Spartacus Storefront theme (Sparta) by only overriding specific CSS vars. Any suggestions?

I tried following the instructions provided at: but haven't had success with any of the recommended methods.

Appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks in advance!

Answer №1

With the Sparta theme, there is a wide range of variables available for customization. These variables are located in


To customize any SCSS variable, simply assign a new value to them in your styles.scss file prior to importing the Spartacus library.

$primary: green;
$font-weight-normal: 600;

$styleVersion: 3.3;
@import "~@spartacus/styles/index";

Spartacus also offers a set of stable variables where CSS variables are primarily used for color schemes and font definitions. These can be customized either at the root level of the document or for specific selectors.

$styleVersion: 3.3;
@import "~@spartacus/styles/index";

:root {
  --cx-color-dark: red;

For more detailed information on styling with Spartacus, you can visit:

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