CSS Selector for when a radio button is selected

I'm currently using images in place of radio buttons:

<label class="radio-inline thumbs"><input type="radio" id="type_nee" name="type" value="nee" onkeyup="validate()" onclick="validate()"> <img src="assets/images/basis.png"  height="75"> </label>
<label class="radio-inline thumbs"><input type="radio" id="type_ja" name="type" value="ja" onkeyup="validate()" onclick="validate()"> <img src="assets/images/bottom.png" height="75"> </label>

The radio button is hidden using the following CSS:

      width   : 28px;
      margin  : 0;
      padding : 0;
      opacity : 0;

To make the image transparent, this CSS is used:


I want to remove the opacity when the image (radio button) is clicked. What CSS selector should I use? I have already tried




However, these attempts did not work. Any suggestions on how to remove the opacity filter when the image (radio button) is checked?

Answer №1

Here is an example to update your HTML and CSS:

   width   : 28px;
   margin  : 0;
   padding : 0;
   opacity : 0;


.testchecked:checked + label > img {opacity:1;}
<input type="radio" id="type_nee" class="testchecked" name="type" value="nee">
<label for="type_nee" class="radio-inline">
  <img class="thumbs" src="assets/images/basis.png"  height="75">

<input type="radio" id="type_ja" class="testchecked" name="type" value="ja">
<label for="type_ja" class="radio-inline">
  <img class="thumbs" src="assets/images/bottom.png" height="75"></label>

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