Having trouble grasping the display property combination in Bootstrap4

Incorporating Bootstrap4 into my web application, I am faced with the task of displaying a menu exclusively on the large screen size setting (lg).

The guidelines are straightforward: utilize a class to conceal an element across all screen sizes:


Furthermore, there exist classes to showcase an element based on a specified screen size (xs, sm, md, lg, and xl):


My approach involves using both these classes if I intend to exhibit an element solely on a large screen:

.d-none .d-lg-block

Initially hiding the element on all sizes and subsequently revealing it on lg. However, according to the documentation, an additional class is required to accomplish this, as stated in the document:


This requirement seems perplexing. What is the rationale behind introducing the extra .d-xl-none class?

Answer №1

The reason is that the xl size refers to a larger screen size than lg. If you do not use the class d-xl-none, your block will be displayed on screens larger than lg.

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