The function will not be triggered when the form is submitted

I've set up this form to send data to the server-side. It's built in HTML/CSS with AngularJS as well. I made sure that the button is placed inside the form, a common mistake that can cause issues. However, despite my efforts, the function "onAddEditTenantSubmitForm" assigned to the state doesn't seem to trigger when I check it on Chrome at line number 87. Strangely, there are no errors showing up in the console.

If you'd like to take a look at the code snippet, here is the link to JSFiddle:

''' (function () { var app = angular.module('app'); app.controller('MultiTenantController', ['$scope', '$filter', 'TenantServices', function ($scope, $filter, TenantServices) {

    var uibModal = null;

    var test = "Multi Tenant Controller";

    var state = {
        tenantModel: {
            addedOn: '',
            connectionString: '',
            createdBy: '',
            endOn: '',
            id: '',
            identifier: '',
            isDisabled: '',
            items: [{
                isDisabled: '',
                tenantType: '',
            name: '',
            startFrom: '',
            tenantType: '',
            userId: '',
    var init = function () {

        $(document).ready(function () {
            tenantTable = $('#table_Tenants').DataTable({
                ajax: {
                    url: 'API/MultiTenant/Pagged',
                    method: 'POST'
                columns: [
                    { data: 'name' },
                    { data: 'identifier' },
                    { data: 'connectionString' },
                        data: 'startFrom',
                        render: function (startFrom) {
                            return $filter('date')(startFrom, 'medium');
                        data: 'addedOn',
                        render: function (addedOn) {
                            return $filter('date')(addedOn, 'medium');
                        data: 'endOn',
                        render: function (endOn) {
                            return $filter('date')(endOn, 'medium');
                        data: 'actions',
                        orderable: false,
                        render: function () {
                            return `<div class="list-icons">
                                <div class="dropdown">
                                    <a href="#" class="list-icons-item" data-toggle="dropdown">
                                        <i class="icon-menu9"></i>
                                    <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
                                        <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="dropdown-item editTenant"><i class="icon-database-edit2"></i>Edit</a>
                                        <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="dropdown-item deleteTenant"><i class="icon-database-remove"></i>Delete</a>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

            tenantTable.on('click', '.deleteTenant', function () {
                const $row = $(this).closest('tr');
                const rowData = tenantTable.row($row).data();

    const onAddEditTenantSubmitForm = function (newTenatForm) {
        if (!state.tenantModel.userId) {
        else {

    var addTenant = function (newTenatForm) {
        state.isLoading = true;
            function () {
                    title: 'Success',
                    text: 'Tenant has been created',
                    type: 'success'
            function (errorResponse) {
                if (errorResponse.status === 400 && {

                else if (errorResponse.status === 500) {
                        title: 'Server Error',
                        text: 'An server error occurred while adding tenant.',
                        type: 'error'
            .finally(() => state.isLoading = false);

    var deleteTenant = function (rowObj) {
        state.isLoading = true;
            function () {
                    title: 'Success',
                    text: 'Tenant Deleted!',
                    type: 'success'
            function (errorResponse) {
                if (errorResponse.status === 500) {
                        title: 'Server Error',
                        text: 'An server error occurred while Deleting Tenant.',
                        type: 'error'
                else if (errorResponse.status === 404) {
                        title: 'Server Error',
                        text: 'Tenant not found on Server.',
                        type: 'error'
            .finally(() => state.isLoading = false);

    var closeModal = function () {
        if (uibModal) {

    state.onAddEditTenantSubmitForm = onAddEditTenantSubmitForm;
    state.test = test;

    $scope.state = state;
    $scope.init = init;


})(); '''

Answer №1

Make sure that the function being called in the template through ng-submit is within your scope and update the template to call it correctly.

In your controller, change your function from a const and bind it to the scope.

$scope.onAddEditTenantSubmitForm = function (newTenatForm) {

In your template, add "$ctrl." before your function name.


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