How can CSS be used to change the text color of input placeholder in Edge Browser?

While using Edge Browser, I encountered an issue where I was unable to change the input placeholder color.

The :-ms-input-placeholder selector was not working on Edge, although it functioned properly on IE 10 and IE 11.

input:-ms-input-placeholder {
    color: red;
    background-color: yellow;

Is there a CSS workaround to successfully change the input placeholder color on Edge?

Answer №1

Referenced from

::-webkit-input-placeholder for (Chrome/Safari/Opera)

:-ms-input-placeholder for Internet Explorer.

::-ms-input-placeholder for Microsoft Edge (also supports webkit prefix)

Please take note of the double colon syntax

Answer №2

I agree with @ken's point regarding @Paulie_D's response mentioned earlier.

Here is an effective code snippet:

input[type="text"]::-ms-input-placeholder { color: #000; }

However, combining the placeholders like this does not yield the desired result:

input[type="text"]::placeholder, input[type="text"]::-ms-input-placeholder { color: #000; }

It seems that the -ms-input-placeholder pseudo-element only functions properly when used independently from other directives.

Answer №3

In the latest version of the Microsoft Edge browser, there is a known issue with the placeholder not displaying correctly. You can read more about this problem by visiting Microsoft Edge placeholder bug. To fix the invisible placeholder, try removing the CSS properties position: relative and :-webkit-input-placeholder opacity.

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