Learning the ins and outs of HTML5 and CSS3

Does anyone have recommendations for high-quality HTML5 and CSS3 tutorials?

Answer №1


  1. You can find some great tutorials on Google.
  2. For more in-depth articles on HTML/CSS, check out the HTML/CSS category on net.tutsplus.com. They cover newer technologies like HTML5 & CSS3 as well.

Answer №2

lynda.com offers top-notch tutorials in my view, while the W3C.org site provides quality tutorials too.

Answer №3

My go-to resources for learning about HTML5 are Dive into HTML5 and http://www.html5rocks.com/en/. It's important to check the compatibility of features with http://caniuse.com/ to ensure that your webapp is accessible to your audience. Fortunately, IE users can also utilize Chrome Frame, which recently introduced non-admin installation in the stable channel.

Another valuable resource worth mentioning is the html5 boiler template, which can save you a lot of time.

As a bonus, you might want to explore the Periodic Table of HTML5 Elements for some extra insights.

Answer №4

  1. great resource for crossbrowser compatible css3 snippets
  2. features informative html5 articles

Answer №5

Learn CSS3 - Helpful Resources

  • Check out smashingmagazine for CSS3 tutorials
  • Join sessions on CSS3 mastery at Tutsplus

CSS3 - Useful References

  • Find comprehensive CSS3 references at W3Schools

Explore HTML5 - Beginner's Guide

  • Discover HTML5 tutorials and tips at Tutsplus
  • Read more about HTML5 at Smashing Magazine

HTML5 - Quick Reference

  • Quickly access HTML5 information at W3Schools

If you prefer books to online resources, consider 'The Book on CSS3' for in-depth CSS3 learning. Purchase it here

To stay updated with the latest articles and tutorials on CSS3 and HTML5, search #HTML5 #CSS3 on Twitter.

For a variety of content, explore discussions on CSS3 and HTML5 at www.reddit.com

And don't forget to utilize the power of Google for any additional queries!

Answer №6

For those interested in delving into HTML5 and CSS3, Apple offers interactive demos with sample code available on their website under the Safari Technology Demos section.

Answer №7

This tutorial series is top-notch. Begin with tut 1 and work your way through all of them.

Watch the tutorials here

Answer №8

If you're looking to expand your knowledge of CSS, check out this informative website:

Answer №9

CSS3 Explained

For those who are well versed in CSS2, this video on CSS3 may catch your eye.

Discovering the New World of CSS3 with Peter Gasston

Answer №10

If you're looking for some tutorials, check out the ones I have available at

Answer №11

When it comes to CSS3, make sure to look into . For HTML5 resources, visit .

Answer №12

Consider purchasing the book "Learning HTML5 and CSS3 the Practical Way" by Sitepoint.

Answer №13

Experience the power of HTML5 with w3-video.com's collection of 400+ video tutorials

Learn more at: http://w3-video.com/Web_Technologies/HTML5/index.php

Answer №14

For a comprehensive list of HTML5 tutorials from 2011, check out this article on CSS DZone: If you're looking for a quick and easy way to learn the basics, w3schools.com is a great resource.

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