What steps do I need to take to create a custom image for a website?

I'm looking for a way to create a website image using just code, without the need for an actual image file or image tag. Is there a method to do this? Would I use CSS, Javascript, or HTML5 for this task? If using JavaScript to dynamically generate the image, is it advisable to do so repeatedly? I'm not sure where to start in finding information on this topic. Thank you for any guidance.

Here's an example of the type of image I want to achieve:

Answer №1

When it comes to creating vector graphics, SVG is a top choice. It follows a document structure similar to HTML and offers elements like <rect> for making shapes. For more intricate designs, paths are the way to go. Learn more about rounded corner effects in SVG here: Rounded corner only on one side of svg <rect>

Vector graphics can be easily generated and manipulated using programming. They also maintain quality when resized or scaled.

For tasks requiring advanced filters or if raster graphics are preferred, consider using a Canvas element with its 2D drawing context.

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