What is the best way to add color to a Table Header?

I'm working on a HTML/CSS table and I want the header row to have a specific background color. Below is my code:

<table class="contentTable">
        <tr class="contentTableHeader">

Here is my CSS:

.contentTable {
             padding-top: 10mm;
             table-layout: auto;
             width: 100%;
             max-width: 100%;

         .contentTable th {
             font-size: medium;

         .contentTable td {
             font-size: small;

         .contentTableHeader {
             background-color: cornflowerblue;
             color: azure;

The issue I'm facing is that the cell separators remain white. How can I make the header row completely the same color?


Answer №1

To enhance the appearance of your table, make sure to include the border-spacing property and set it to 0px.

.contentTable {
    padding-top: 10mm;
    table-layout: auto;
    width: 100%;
    max-width: 100%;
    border-spacing: 0px;

.contentTable th {
    font-size: medium;

.contentTable td {
    font-size: small;

.contentTableHeader {
    background-color: cornflowerblue;
    color: azure;
<table class="contentTable">
  <tr class="contentTableHeader">

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