Minor Chrome compatibility problems with CSS alignment

As someone who is new to stackoverflow, I've always found it to be a valuable resource for answers. I've had success building HTML 5 banner ads using GSAP (Greensock Animation Platform) in the past, but now I'm facing a CSS alignment issue that's perplexing me. It's frustrating to see the problem occur in Chrome but not in Firefox.

To better illustrate the alignment issues, I have included screenshots:

I'd appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to resolve this puzzling CSS alignment issue. Thank you!
@charset "UTF-8";

/* My Custom CSS Styles */

body {
  margin: 0;
#container {
  /*Main container acting as the "Stage"*/
  position: absolute;
  overflow: hidden;
  height: 600px;
  width: 160px;
  cursor: pointer;
... (CSS styles continuation)

Answer №1

I have successfully identified and fixed the issue at hand.

The root cause of the problem was my use of Sublime Text to edit HTML files, along with a plugin named HTML-CSS-JS Prettify for code cleanup. While this plugin effectively adds carriage returns to <br/> tags and indents them, there is a flaw in its indentation process. Instead of using tabs, it inserts four spaces per tab, causing alignment issues despite appearing as one space in HTML rendering.

To address this issue for other users utilizing the same program and plugin (both of which I recommend), I managed to resolve it by modifying the preferences within the HTML-CSS-JS Prettify plugin. By adding "br", "BR" to the end of the "unformatted" list, the plugin no longer attempts to auto-format <br/> or <BR> tags in an incorrect manner.

This adjustment essentially disregards any attempt at applying the unconventional indentation method involving four spaces when encountering these specific tags.

Answer №2

What if we consider using four spaces instead of tabs as a workaround for bugs, why not also view the rendered page with tabs intact as a malfunction?

The choice to use spaces exclusively for code formatting should be distinct from tabulation or any attempt to mimic tabs. Perhaps it is best described as simply "indentation."

Although replacing tabs with spaces may not be considered a bug.

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