What is the best way to show HTML code on a REACT website without disrupting the existing styles?

I am trying to showcase the following code in a REACT webpage, but it is not displaying as code. Instead, it is showing as actual elements. How can I display the button codes below as actual code?

<Button className='btn-grv' variant="primary">Primary</Button> 
<Button className='btn-grv' variant="blue">Link</Button>
<Button className='btn-grv' variant="dark">Dark</Button>
  <Button className='btn-grv' variant="secondary">Secondary</Button>
  <Button className='btn-grv' variant="success">Success</Button>
  <Button className='btn-grv' variant="warning">Warning</Button>
  <Button className='btn-grv' variant="danger">Danger</Button> 
  <Button className='btn-grv' variant="info">Info</Button>
  <Button className='btn-grv' variant="light">Light</Button> 

Answer №2

Discover the magic of converting your code into "special characters" on this page:

Your transformed result will look like this:

&lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant=&quot;primary&quot;  &gt;Primary&lt;/Button&gt; 
&lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant=&quot;blue&quot;&gt;Link&lt;/Button&gt;
&lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant=&quot;dark&quot;&gt;Dark&lt;/Button&gt;
  &lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant=&quot;secondary&quot;&gt;Secondary&lt;/Button&gt;
  &lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant=&quot;success&quot;&gt;Success&lt;/Button&gt;
  &lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant=&quot;warning&quot;&gt;Warning&lt;/Button&gt;
  &lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant=&quot;danger&quot;&gt;Danger&lt;/Button&gt; 
  &lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant=&quot;info&quot;&gt;Info&lt;/Button&gt;
  &lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant=&quot;light&quot;&gt;Light&lt;/Button&gt; 

Answer №3

&lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant="primary"  &gt;Primary&lt;/Button&gt; 
&lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant="blue"&gt;Link&lt;/Button>
&lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant="dark"&gt;Dark&lt;/Button>
  &lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant="secondary"&gt;Secondary&lt;/Button&gt;
  &lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant="success"&gt;Success&lt;/Button&gt;
  &lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant="warning"&gt;Warning&lt;/Button&gt;
  &lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant="danger"&gt;Danger&lt;/Button&gt; 
  &lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant="info"&gt;Info&lt;/Button&gt;
  &lt;Button className='btn-grv' variant="light"&gt;Light&lt;/Button&gt; 

Answer №4

Alternatively, you could paste it into a "pre" element as plain text

  const element = document.querySelector('pre');
    element.innerText = `
        <Button className='btn-grv' variant="primary"  >Primary</Button>
        <Button className='btn-grv' variant="blue">Link</Button>
        <Button className='btn-grv' variant="dark">Dark</Button>
        <Button className='btn-grv' variant="secondary">Secondary</Button>
        <Button className='btn-grv' variant="success">Success</Button>
        <Button className='btn-grv' variant="warning">Warning</Button>
        <Button className='btn-grv' variant="danger">Danger</Button>
        <Button className='btn-grv' variant="info">Info</Button>
        <Button className='btn-grv' variant="light">Light</Button>


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