The reduced motion media query prevented me from using a Bootstrap modal with animations

I'm currently working with Bootstrap 4 modals and I've encountered an issue where the fade animation and slide animation are not being displayed. After doing some research, I discovered that the problem lies within the transitions.scss file which contains media queries like @media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce). These queries prevent the fade transition from occurring, resulting in this effect:

@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)
.fade {
    transition: none;

You can view a live example for testing and development here: (Click on aviso legal, condiciones, privacidad... link to see it in action). This behavior occurs automatically - how can I disable it and enable the animations?

Answer №1

As mentioned by @04FS, in order to see the animation, you must turn off reduced motion on your operating system. It is recommended not to override this setting in your CSS due to its impact on accessibility.

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