Efficiently Organizing Data Using Coldfusion Loops in Columns and Rows

My issue lies in pulling data from a database to display on my website. I have three keys/attributes (columns) - PostedDate, DataImage, and Source that need to be shown together in one div with the posted date at the top, image in the middle, and source at the bottom. While I have achieved this, I now need to loop over these 3 columns and create a new row after every set of 3 columns to avoid displaying them all as one big column or row.

The desired layout should look like this:


However, whenever I try to refresh the webpage, it gives me a 404 or 500 error due to my current code:

        <!--- Set the number of columns you want to have --->
<cfset cols = 3> 
<cfset totalRows = ceiling(UIData.RecordCount / cols)>
<cfset output = 1>
<table width = "100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing= "2">            
<cfloop from = "1" to = "#totalRows#" index = "thisRow">
    <cfloop from = "1" to = "#cols#" index = "thisCol">

    <td width = "<cfoutput>#numberformat((100/cols), 99)#</cfoutput>%" align="center" nowrap style = "border: 1px solid #ccc;">

        <cfif output != UIData.recordCount>
            <div> <font style="font-size: .8em; line-height: .6em; padding-bottom: .8em;"><strong> #PostedDate# </strong></font> </div>
         <div> <img src="http://www.iowalum.com/uidata/images/#DataImage#" alt="" width="99%" height="264" style="padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px;" /> </div>
         <div id ="text"> #Source# </div> </cfoutput>
        <!--- Use <br> to display an empty cell --->
        <!--- Increment counter for the next record --->
        <cfset output = output + totalRows>
    <!--- Set start position for the next row --->
    <cfset output = thisRow + 1>

Answer №1

This method could potentially offer a more straightforward solution.

<cfset ItemsPerRow = 3>     
<cfoutput query="your query">
<td>#display something#    </td>
<cfif currentrow mod ItemsPerRow is 0>
<cfelseif currentrow equals recordcount>

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