Displaying Unicode CSS Font Awesome Icons as Boxes in a React Project

I have incorporated the jPlayer example into a create-react-app. Encountering an issue where font-awesome icons are displaying as boxes in this CodeSandbox illustration.


The icons are rendered using css rules that define content as unicode for <i> tags with the class fa.

I have installed the font-awesome dependency listed in the jPlayer example's package.json. Then, I created an AudioPlayer component and utilized the predefined skins by jPlayer. Despite successfully rendering the component, the icons appear as boxes, with the unicode content visible in the source code.

For instance, here is the play button in /src/AudioPlayer/AudioPlayer.jsx:

<Play><i className="fa">{/* Icon set in css */}</i></Play>

Subsequently, the AudioPlayer component is imported into App.jsx, which also imports a stylesheet containing this important rule:

.fa, .fas, .far {
    font-family: FontAwesome !important;

App.jsx is then rendered within index.js. The audio player's stylesheets are imported inside index.js as follows:

// Styles the jPlayer to look nice
import 'react-jplayer/dist/css/skins/sleek.min.css';
// Styles Play/Pause/Mute etc when icons (<i />) are used for them
import 'react-jplayer/dist/css/controls/iconControls.min.css';

The rule defining the play button in iconControls.css appears like this:

.jp-jplayer .jp-icon-controls .jp-play i:before {
  content: "\F04B";
  font-family: 'Font Awesome\ 5 Free';
  font-weight: 900;

In a final effort to resolve the issue of box rendering instead of font-awesome icons, I have included the font-awesome CDN within the head section of index.html.

Answer №1

It appears that in the styles.css file, there is a CSS rule using FontAwesome !important which seems to be overriding the FontAwesome 5 Free font. To display the correct fonts, you may want to consider removing this style.

fa, .fas, .far {
    font-family: FontAwesome !important;

Answer №2

When you see open squares instead of font characters:

  1. If the specified Unicode character is not in the font file.
  2. The requested font file cannot be found and there is no fallback option available.

With Font Awesome, this issue arises because there is no fallback font and the character may not exist in other fonts either.

This usually occurs when the browser cannot locate the font file due to path errors. Check your CSS for @font-face declarations to ensure paths are correct for your project. It is likely in the player's CSS file expecting a local file rather than from a CDN.

Webpack can sometimes modify file locations and update CSS paths, so consider moving files to a "static" directory if needed.

Verify that the font name matches what is available on your system. Font Awesome's Docs suggest using

font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free";
, ensuring there are no extra backslashes in the declaration.

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