Utilizing JavaScript and jQuery libraries in conjunction with periods

I am a bit puzzled about when to include the period before referencing class names. For instance, in this code snippet, why is a period included before the first use of the 'active-slide' class but not for the other two instances?

var primary = function(){

    var currentPanel = $('.active-slide'); //includes period
    var nextPanel = currentSlide.next();

    currentSlide.removeClass('active-slide'); //no period

    nextPanel.addClass('active-slide'); // no period


Answer №1

The . symbol functions as a selector, enabling you to target all DOM elements with the 'active-slide' class.

In jQuery syntax, $('') utilizes selectors to retrieve wrapped jQuery elements.

When adding or removing classes, you are not employing a selector. Instead, you are directly altering the classname which is simply 'active-slide' without the need for a preceding .

Answer №2

$('div.active-slide') utilizes the power of jQuery's element selector. With

, we can easily manipulate the element as needed.

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