Transform pixel padding into percentage ratios

I've been searching through various discussions to find a solution, but none of them seem to fit my particular scenario.

My issue involves a hyperlink with absolute positioning inside a div with relative positioning. The padding and margins are currently set using pixels, but I'm interested in adjusting them using percentages.

For instance:

<a id="original" href="" style="display: inline-block; position:absolute; left: 150px; top: 300px; padding: 100px 100px;" />

would become:

<a id="inserted" href="" style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; left: 18.38235294117647%; top: 28.40909090909091%; padding: 9.469696969696969% 12.254901960784313%;"></a>

The example on this jsfiddle page illustrates what I am trying to accomplish. However, you may notice that the converted paddings do not match the original link's size in terms of height.

I hope this explanation is clear enough. If not, please let me know ;)

Answer №1

When setting padding in percentage, it is based on the width and not the height. Therefore, the value should be specified as = elementWidth / 816 * 100 + "%" +
                        elementWidth / 816 * 100 + "% ";

Check out this modified sample code for reference

If you're looking for a workaround, visit this link

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