Unable to align element to the left due to the position being below

<ul class="unlist clearfix">
            <li class="clearfix">
                <h3>List Item</h3>
                <time datetime="2013-08-29"><span>29</span> Ags 2013</time>
            <li class="clearfix">
                <h3>List Item</h3>
                <time datetime="2013-08-29"><span>29</span> Ags 2013</time>
            <li class="clearfix">
                <h3>List Item</h3>
                <time datetime="2013-08-29"><span>29</span> Ags 2013</time>

Currently displaying like this:

  • List Item

    29 Ags 2013

  • List Item

    29 Ags 2013

  • List Item

    29 Ags 2013

I am trying to float the date "29 Ags 2013" to the left using the 'float:left;' property. However, it's not working as expected. I have tried setting <time> to display:block; but still no change.

After some testing, I realized that the date would float left if I switch the order of elements within each list item:

<li class="clearfix">
            <time datetime="2013-08-29"><span>29</span> Ags 2013</time>
            <h3>List Item</h3>

However, I prefer the <time> element to be below the <h3>, not above it.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this layout?

Answer №1

Here is an alternative solution:

    display: inline-block; //or block
    float: right;

see demonstration

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