Is there a way to position two forms next to each other in alignment?

I would like to display two forms side by side. Currently, I have one form shown here: I want the same form to be displayed on the right-hand side as well.

.comments-section .comment-form {
  padding: 20px;
  background: #f8f8f8;
  border: 1px solid #dddddd;
  border-radius: 3px;
.row {
  margin-left: -15px;
  margin-right: -15px;
<div class="tab-pane active" id="company-contact">
  <div class="company-profile company-contact">
    <h3>Create an Account With Us</h3>

    <form class="comment-form">


        <div class="left">
        <div class="right">
          <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-4">
              <input type="text" required>

      <div class="left">
      <div class="right">
        <div class="row">
          <div class="col-xs-4">
            <input type="email" required>

      <div class="left">
      <div class="right">
        <div class="row">
          <div class="col-xs-4">
            <input type="password" required>


Can anyone guide me on how to achieve this layout?

Answer №1

Step one, make sure to close your form before the first two div elements.

Next, you can insert a second form right after closing the first one.

Assign a class to both of these forms.

In your CSS file, include the following code:

display: inline-block;

I hope this explanation is helpful and I apologize for any language errors :)

Answer №2

Maybe you should consider arranging your input boxes in this way:

<h3>Register for an Account</h3>

    <form class="comment-form">
        Username:<input class="comment-form"  type='text' name='username' id='username'  maxlength="50" placeholder="Username" />

        Email:<input class="comment-form"  type='text' name='email' id='email'  maxlength="50" placeholder="Email" />

        Password:<input class="comment-form"  type='password' name='password' id='password'  maxlength="50" placeholder="Password" />

Answer №3

Initially, it is important to clarify the meaning of

I want the form on the right side to match the one on the left

Instead of diving into specifics, I encountered a similar issue where using two consecutive forms in HTML did not yield the desired outcome.

In your scenario, there are two potential solutions :

  1. If both forms have the same action (PHP action file) :

In this case, you can simply utilize a single form with duplicated input fields to achieve a layout like this:

<form action='youraction.php'>
    <div class='insameline'>
        <input> username </input>
        <input> username </input>
    <div class='insameline'>
        <input> email </input>
        <input> email </input>
    <div class='insameline'>
        <input> password </input>
        <input> password </input>

You can then apply your preferred styles or include the following:

div.insameline {
    display: inline-block;
    margin-block-end: 0.83em;

Adjusting the value of margin-block-end can help shift the second block to the right as needed

  1. If you require the same form but with different actions, your code might resemble this:
<form action='youraction.php'>
    <div class='insameline'>
        <input> username </input>
        <input formaction='yourotheraction.php'> username </input>
    <div class='insameline'>
        <input> email </input>
        <input formaction='yourotheraction.php'> email </input>
    <div class='insameline'>
        <input> password </input>
        <input formaction='yourotheraction.php'> password </input>

Answer №4

<div class="tab-pane active" id="company-contact">
  <div class="company-profile company-contact">
    <h3>Sign Up With Us</h3>

    <form class="comment-form">

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-4">
      <div class="left">
            <input type="text" required/>
  <div class="col-md-4">
      <div class="left">
      <input type="email" required/>

  <div class="col-md-4"> 
      <div class="left">
     <input type="password" required/>

Check out the JsFiddle demo. The layout adjusts responsively based on screen size, stacking vertically when small and horizontally otherwise. To prevent vertical stacking, consider using col-xs-6 instead of col-md-6.

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