How can two unique links toggle the visibility of divs with two specific IDs?

I am developing an interactive questionnaire that functions like a 'create your own adventure' story. The questions are shown or hidden depending on the user's responses. Below is the HTML code:

<!-- TIER 3
================================================== -->
<!--From Steak/Fries-->
<div id="SteakFries" class="hide">
    <p>I'd rather...</p>
    <span class="responseRead"><img class="prompt" src="" data-respnseto="Read">Read a Best-Seller on the Beach</span>
    <span class="responseExplore"><img class="prompt" src="" data-respnseto="Explore">Explore Ancient Ruins &amp; Natural Wonders</span>

<!--From Chamagne/Caviar
To travel style-->

<!--From Gastro-->
<div id="GastroPubs" class="hide">
    <p>I'd rather...</p>
    <span class="responseExplore"><img class="prompt" src="" data-respnseto="Explore">Explore Ancient Ruins &amp; Natural Wonders</span>
    <span class="responseVisitCity"><img class="prompt" src="" data-respnseto="VisitCity">Visit City Landmarks &amp; Theatres</span>

<!--From Wine/Cheese-->
<div id="GastroPubs" class="hide">
    <p>I'd rather...</p>
    <span class="responseVisitCity"><img class="prompt" src="" data-respnseto="VisitCity">Visit City Landmarks &amp; Theatres</span>
    <span class="responseRelaxParadise"><img class="prompt" src="" data-respnseto="RelaxParadise">Relax in an Over-Water Bungalo in Paradise</span>

<!--opens these divs-->
<!-- TIER 4 (Styles Discover)
================================================== -->
<!--From VisitCity-->
<div id="VisitCity" class="culturalChameleon hide">
    Cultural Chameleon

<!--From Champagne/VisitCity-->
<div id="RelaxParadise" class="fiveStar hide">
    Five-Star Fanatic

<!--From Explore-->
<div id="Explore" class="activeAdventurer hide">
    Active Adventurer

<!--From Read/VisitCity-->
<div id="Read VisitCity" class="sunSeeker hide">
    Sun Seeker
<!--================================================== -->

Based on the link clicked in Tier 3, the corresponding div in Tier 4 is displayed. This functionality is achieved with the following jQuery code:

var data = "";
    data = $(this).attr('data-respnseto');

    $('#' + data).fadeIn(600);

However, there is an issue with displaying the last item in Tier 4 when clicking either of the links in Tier 3 that have the attributes:


Currently, the code only looks for one ID to display in Tier 4. Any suggestions on how to display item 4 in Tier 4 when the user clicks either of the links in Tier 3? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Give this a shot:

let info = "";
    info = $(this).data('details');

    $("div[id*='"+ info + "']").fadeIn(600);

View JSFiddle Demo

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