Updating the Animation for Datepicker Closure

While using the date picker, I want it to match the width of the input text box. When closing the date picker, I prefer a smooth and single motion. However, after selecting a from and to date, the datepicker no longer closes smoothly.

I have attempted solutions like inst.dpDiv.outerWidth(0) and modifying code from , but none have resolved the issue, leaving me stuck in a loop.

I considered sharing a JSFiddle, but discrepancies between Sublime and JSFiddle made it difficult. The problem vanishes too quickly for a screenshot as well.

I've tried to include only relevant code below. Any suggestions?

Update - Thanks to Ghassen Louhaichi for the edit; you can observe the stuttering in the snippet below.

$(function() {
    from = $('#arrivalDate').datepicker({
        beforeShow: function(input, inst) {
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 0);
        onClose: function() {
            if ($('#arrivalDate').datepicker('getDate') != null) {
                if ($('#departureDate').datepicker('getDate') == null) {
    .on('change', function(input, inst) {
        to.datepicker('option', 'minDate', $('#arrivalDate').datepicker('getDate'));

    to = $('#departureDate').datepicker({
        beforeShow: function(input, inst) {
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 0);
        onClose: function() {
            if ($('#departureDate').datepicker('getDate') != null) {
                if ($('#arrivalDate').datepicker('getDate') == null) {
    .on('change', function(input, inst) {
        from.datepicker('option', 'maxDate', $('#departureDate').datepicker('getDate'));
    $('div.ui-datepicker').on('click', function() {
input {
  width: 50%;
  height: 50px;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://pro.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.10.0/css/all.css" integrity="sha384-AYmEC3Yw5cVb3ZcuHtOA93w35dYTsvhLPVnYs9eStHfGJvOvKxVfELGroGkvsg+p" crossorigin="anonymous"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/themes/base/jquery-ui.css">
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js"></script>

<div class="box"><input id="arrivalDate" type="text" /></div>
<div class="box"><input id="departureDate" type="text" /></div>

Answer №1

When working with the jquery-ui.js file, a modification was required in the code:

// inst.dpDiv.removeClass( "ui-datepicker-multi-2 ui-datepicker-multi-3 ui-datepicker-multi-4" ).width( "" );

The change that needed to be made was:

inst.dpDiv.removeClass( "ui-datepicker-multi-2 ui-datepicker-multi-3 ui-datepicker-multi-4" );

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