How can you use JavaScript to identify resize or zoom changes across all ancestor DOM elements?

I have a DOM element that consists of a chart.

<div id="plot1" class='plot-chart'></div>

This specific DIV can be nested within various other DIVs.

<div id="one" style="width:100%;height:100%;zoom:0.9;">
    <div id="two">
        <div id="three">
            <div id="plot1" class='plot-chart'></div>

I am looking for a solution to detect any changes in size or zoom of all parent elements surrounding the plot DIV, so I can adjust its size accordingly.


While this method works fine for detecting changes in the browser window size overall, there might be situations where the size of DIV two or DIV three is altered without affecting the entire window. Since the position of the Chart DIV can vary, calling an external function when a resize occurs is not a viable option.

In essence, is there a way to identify modifications in any of the parent DIVs of my object internally triggering the execution of a function?

Answer №1

Simply put, the answer is "negative". Nonetheless, if there is a possibility to manage the instances when those container divs are resized, then they have the capability to initiate custom events (such as with assistance from jQuery library) which your chart can monitor and respond accordingly.

I trust this information proves beneficial!

Answer №2

While Twitter's Bootstrap doesn't have a built-in resizing feature, you can utilize its Grid System for easy resizing capabilities.

To achieve this, refer to the Grid System in BootStrap!

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