CSS navigation issue

When using the third example provided on this page:


I encountered an issue where the main page would display an empty div on the left instead of the content filling the entire area.

However, when navigating to a specific page from the menu (such as):


Everything appears as expected.

Is there a solution to completely remove the empty div in CSS if it does not contain any content?

Answer №1

If you're deciding where to place your logic, there are numerous solutions available. While a pure CSS approach may pose challenges, using JavaScript might be more straightforward.

One suggestion is to adjust the #sub_navigation element's width property to utilize max-width instead. This allows it to maintain its alignment with float:left, but collapses when there is no ul element present within it.

After making this change, you may need to make adjustments to the width of your content div. Following these steps should set you in the right direction towards achieving the desired outcome.

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