What is the best way to prevent a strikethrough from appearing on the delete button in my JavaScript TO-Do application?

I'm working on coding a to-do app using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The issue I'm facing is that when I add the text-decoration: line-through property to the list items, it also affects the X icon used for deleting tasks. I suspect this problem arises because the icon is nested within the li element, but I'm not sure how to resolve this issue.

Below is my HTML code:

<!-- Your HTML goes here -->

This is my CSS code:

/* Your CSS code goes here */

Here's my JS code as well:

// Your JavaScript code goes here

Overall, I attempted various solutions like appending the element to the task container, but encountered issues in selecting the proper list element for deletion.

Answer №1

Modify the JavaScript code:

function createNewTask() {
    // Display an error if the user does not input anything
    if (input.value === '') {
        alert("Please enter a task!");
    } else {
        let listItem = document.createElement("li");          // Create a new list item

        // Create a span for task text
        let taskText = document.createElement("span");
        taskText.innerHTML = input.value;

        // Create a delete icon
        let icon = document.createElement("i");
        icon.classList.add("icon", "fa-solid", "fa-x"); // Add classes to the icon

        // Append task text and delete icon to the list item

        listItem.classList.add("task");                       // Assign a class to the task
        taskContainer.appendChild(listItem);                  // Add element to the task container
    input.value = ""; // Clear the input field

In the CSS:

/* Styling class for task text with line-through */
.task-text {
    flex-grow: 1;

.checked .task-text {
    text-decoration: line-through;

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