CSS rules for organizing the stacking order of elements in the SuperFish Menu with

I've been struggling with a z-index issue on a website I'm currently managing. It seems to stem from the z-index values in the SuperFish Menu and a specific div element. Despite my attempts to apply position:relative/absolute & z-index: 99999 declarations in various places, the menu continues to remain stuck behind the third panel on the right side of the page.

If you want to see this problem for yourself, try hovering over the Practice Areas tab followed by Real Estate. You'll notice that the sub-menu remains hidden behind the panel.

Trying to solve this issue is really getting on my nerves.

The website's link is:

Answer №1

There seems to be an abundance of positioned elements in your layout. Let's visualize the structure as a tree for better understanding.

  • body - position: relative
    • #main
      • header - position: relative; z-index: 99
      • .primary_content_tail -
        position: relative; z-index: 9300
    • footer

According to MDN,

A stacking context is formed, anywhere in the document, by any element which is [...] positioned (absolutely or relatively) with a z-index value other than "auto"

This means that we have two stacking contexts, causing the menu in the header to always remain behind the content. To address this, try setting z-index values to auto (inline). The updated structure will be:

  • body - position: relative
    • #main
      • header -
        position: relative; z-index: auto
      • .primary_content_tail -
        position: relative; z-index: auto
    • footer

After making these adjustments, the layout should function correctly in Chrome Canary and Firefox Aurora. If you still require specific z-index values, consider creating a new layer (stacking context) for the menu.

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