Interactive sidebar component with navigation and animated section markers

For weeks, I've been attempting to create a navigation sidebar similar to the ones shown in these images:

Even though offers appealing navigation sidebars, I have not found a built-in component in their library. This has made building one from scratch quite challenging. As a result, I turned to using jQuery to try and replicate the navigation sidebar seen on Tommy Hilfiger's global website.

Tommy Hilfiger's Global Site

However, my experience with JavaScript and CSS is limited, especially when working with minified versions. While I have successfully implemented page scrolling animations, I am struggling to create an arrow marker that moves along with the current section. My work in progress can be viewed here:

WIP - Twitter Bootstrap Navigation Sidebar

I am wondering if there are any open-source components available (preferably compatible with Bootstrap) that could assist in achieving the animated section indicator? My scripts have become messy, so I would greatly appreciate any guidance or examples on how to accomplish this task. Thank you in advance for your help!

Answer №1

Have you checked out ScrollSpy? It's a component that already exists in bootstrap:

bootstrap scrollspy

Referenced from:

To utilize the scroll spy activate event, use the following code snippet:

You'll need to incorporate code like this into your project:

$(function() {
  var $spy = $('.nav.nav-pills');
  $spy.scrollspy({offset: 20});
  $spy.bind("activate", function(e) {
    // do something when a new section comes into view

Here's a functioning example for reference:

Don't be alarmed if it starts at the bottom... whether it's a separate bug or linked to our topic, the key focus is understanding how the activate event operates

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