What is the best way to add randomness to the background colors of mapped elements?

I am looking for a way to randomly change the background color of each element

However, when I try to implement it in the code below, the background color ends up being transparent:

  modules.map((module, index) => (
    <div className='carousel-module shadow'
      style={{ background: "#" + Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16)}}
      <p className='module-element-text'>{module.name ? module.name : "N/A"}</p>
      <p className='module-element-text'>{module.code ? module.code : "N/A"}</p>
      <Button onClick={() => setShow(false)}
          variant="success" className='modules-list-button'>

I would appreciate any suggestions on how to successfully achieve this feature

Answer №1

Here is a simple JavaScript function that I created to generate random hex color codes. Using this method ensures that the color generated does not have an alpha value and remains opaque.

function generateRandomHexColor() {
    let toHexString = function (number) {
        let hexString = number.toString(16);
        while (hexString.length < 2) { hexString = '0' + hexString; }
        return hexString;
    let red = toHexString(Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));
    let green = toHexString(Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));
    let blue = toHexString(Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));
    return '#' + red + green + blue;

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