Implement a JavaScript and jQuery code that alternates between fading in and fading out every two items in a

Can someone help me figure out how to create a loop that fades in and out every 2 items from an unordered list using jQuery? I've been trying to do this, but my loop only processes one item at a time.

   <li>item1</li> // will be first display
   <li>item2</li> // will be first display
   <li>item3</li> // will be second display
   <li>item4</li> // will be second display
   <li>item5</li> // will be third display

This is the JavaScript code I came up with. I attempted to split the array into chunks of 2 elements each and then fade them out:

function slide(elements) {

var perChunk = 2

var inputArray = Array.from(elements[0].children);

var result = inputArray.reduce((resultArray, item, index) => {
  const chunkIndex = Math.floor(index/perChunk)

  if(!resultArray[chunkIndex]) {
    resultArray[chunkIndex] = [] 


  return resultArray
}, [])



    setInterval(function() { => {

    }, 2000);

Answer №1

Utilizing the .slice() method allows you to choose a specific range of elements and incrementally adjust the starting point of that range.

Referring to this particular post for guidance on executing a function only after all elements have completed the .fadeOut() process, not triggering a callback per individual element:

var items = $("ul>li");
var pos = 0;
var count = 2;

items.hide().slice(pos, pos+count).show();
setInterval(() => {
  $.when(items.slice(pos, pos+count).fadeOut())
    .then(function() {
      pos += count;
      if (pos>items.length) 
        pos = 0;
      items.slice(pos, pos+count).fadeIn();
}, 1000);
<script src=""></script>

There are numerous alternative approaches to achieve this functionality, such as utilizing

$("ul>li").each((idx) =>
and comparing index values or employing a setTimeout instead of $.when in order to trigger fadeIn upon completion of fadeOut.

Answer №2

When handling pairs of list items sequentially:

In your for loop, increment i by 2 each time and set the visibility to fadein for i and i+1, while fading out the rest. If you have a total of 5 items in your list, it's wise to check that i+1 doesn't exceed the length of your list.

  //Add fade out ability here if you want it to happen before the fadein    
  //Add fade out ability here if you want it to happen after the fadein

If you intend to fade in and out every other item in your list, assign an id to pairs you wish to group together, then iterate over your list to manage the active ones at a time. I can provide example code for this scenario if needed, but it seems like you are leaning towards the first option.

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