Distinguishing Design with CSS3

Here is the code snippet I am using:

<table width="562" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center" class="genericClass">
     (nested tags are here)

These are the related styles in my stylesheet:

table.genericClass  a { ...  } 
table.genericClass  p,li,div,td {}

However, all the div, p, and other listed tags are inheriting the mentioned styles which is not the desired behavior. Could there be an issue with my syntax?

Answer №1

In order to target specific elements within a table with the class genericClass, you should adjust your CSS selectors accordingly:

table.genericClass a {
  /* add your styles here */

table.genericClass p,
table.genericClass li,
table.genericClass div,
table.genericClass td {
  /* add your styles here */

If you prefer to style each element type separately, you can use individual selectors like this:

table.genericClass p {
  /* add your styles here */

table.genericClass li {
  /* add your styles here */

table.genericClass div {
  /* add your styles here */

table.genericClass td {
  /* add your styles here */

Answer №2

If you want to style specific tags, consider assigning classes to them. Here's an example I've put together for you:

<div class="div-Class"></div>
   <li class="li-Class">Lorem lipsum dolor sit amet.</li>
<p class="para-Class">Lorem lipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
        <td class="table-data">Lorem lipsum dolor sit amet</td>

You can then apply styles in your CSS stylesheet as required. To avoid errors like misspelling a class name in your stylesheet, simply copy and paste the class names from your HTML to your CSS. See the example below:

.div-Class {
    /* Define Some Styles */

.li-Class {
   /* Add Some more Styles */

.para-Class {
   /* Include Even more Styles */

.table-data {
   /* Implement Some Table Styles */

I hope this explanation is useful!

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