Toggling forms with HTML <select> elements: A step-by-step guide

In the process of creating a web application, I am faced with the task of registering users based on their specific category. To accomplish this, I have incorporated a combo-box where users can indicate their user type.

My objective is to display an appropriate form based on the selected value of the user. While I have expertise in PHP for functionality, I lack experience in jQuery. I am seeking guidance on how to execute this task without the need to reload the page. Can someone provide instructions on implementation or suggest an alternative method?

Answer №1

To implement a category dropdown list, follow the steps below:


Dropdown Menu

<select id="category">
   <option value="#form1">Category 1</option>
   <option value="#form2">Category 2</option>
   <option value="#form3">Category 3</option>

Forms Section

<form id="form1">

<form id="form2">

<form id="form3">

jQuery Script

    var forms = $('form'); // Cache all form elements
    forms.hide(); // Hide forms initially

    $('#category').on('change', function(){
        forms.hide();                // On change, hide all forms
        var formId = $(this).val();  // Get the selected form id to show
        $(formId).show();    // Find and display the form based on its id in cached forms.


Answer №2

To make elements appear or disappear on a webpage, you can utilize jQuery's show() and hide() methods:

For instance:


In this demonstration, the elements are structured like this:

<div id="element1">...</div>
<div id="element2">...</div>
<div id="element3">...</div>

If you wish to add some visual effects, consider using fadeIn() and fadeOut() from jQuery.

Answer №3

One way to make elements appear and disappear on a webpage is by using the jQuery toggle() function:


You can learn more about this function in the documentation here.

When you use toggle(), the selected elements will either be shown or hidden immediately without any animation, simply by changing the display property of the CSS. If the element was originally visible, it will become hidden; if it was hidden, it will become visible. The display property is stored and restored as needed. If an element's display value is inline and it goes from hidden to visible, it will once again be displayed inline.

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