`There is a delay in rendering the background image on Chrome`

Once I apply a class to my button element using JavaScript, the background image (.gif) that is supposed to display afterwards takes an unusually long time to render.

The button serves as a form submission. Upon being clicked, a class of "clicked" is dynamically added to it through JavaScript. The CSS style dictates that when the button has the class "clicked," it should show a loading animation as its background image. However, this animation often appears delayed (about 0.5-1.0s after clicking), sometimes not even appearing before the page reloads following a submit. Even when pausing the JavaScript execution after adding the class and inspecting the DOM using developer tools, the class is already present but the image fails to display in most cases.

To replicate this issue, here's a fiddle demonstrating the behavior: http://codepen.io/rjk/pen/rGntD

This problem seems to be specific to the Chrome browser, as Firefox shows everything instantly as expected.

If anyone has insight into how to prompt Chrome to immediately reflect the change and eliminate this unpredictability, your input would be greatly appreciated.

A simplified version of the JavaScript code causing this issue is as follows:

function loadingClickHandle(button, style) {
  jQuery(button).addClass(style + "-clicked");

loadingClickHandle(this, "button-blue");

Answer №1

If you're looking to optimize load times by converting images to base64 strings, here's a solution that might help. By encoding the image data directly into the HTML, you can eliminate the need for extra server requests and reduce latency.

It's worth noting, however, that while this method works well for smaller images, it can actually increase the size of the data due to the overhead of base64 encoding.

According to estimates, Base64-encoded binary data is approximately 1.37 times larger than the original data size, plus an additional 814 bytes for headers.

For more information about base64 encoding, check out this link.

The snippet provided below demonstrates how you can apply this technique in your code:

.blue-button {
  background-color: #1b9bdd;
  color: white;
  height: 30px;
  padding-left: 14px;
  padding-right: 14px;

.blue-button.clicked {
  background-image: url(...); /*truncated for brevity*/
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: center;
  color: transparent;

You can view a live demo of this implementation on CodePen.

To convert your images to base64 strings, consider using a tool like this one.

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