Struggling to get the Hover feature on Link from Material-UI to function properly

I've been attempting to hover over Link from Material UI, but unfortunately, it's not working as expected. The CSS styles are not being applied for some unknown reason, and I can't seem to figure out why. Additionally, the Button class is also not functioning properly on buttons. I'm currently using the most recent version of MUI.

import {Link , Button} from '@mui/material';
import {makeStyles} from '@mui/styles';

const useStyle = makeStyles({
    MenuItems : {
        '& li' : {
            display : 'inline',
            marginRight : '2rem',
            '&:hover' : {
                color : '#E0475B'
    Link : {
        '&:hover' : {
            color : '#E0475B'
    Button : {
        backgroundColor : '#E0475B' , 
        color : 'white',
        fontSize : '1.5rem'


const HomeMenu = () => {
    const classes = useStyle();
    return ( 
        <div className="Body">
            <AppBar style={{backgroundColor : 'white'}}>
                <Toolbar className = {classes.Toolbar}>
                    <div className={classes.MenuItems}>
                                <Link href = '/' underline = 'none' style={{color : 'black'}} className={classes.Link} >Home</Link>
                                <Link href = '/' underline = 'none' style={{color : 'black'}} className={classes.Link}>About Us</Link>
                                <Link href = '/' underline = 'none' style={{color : 'black'}} className={classes.Link}>Our Mission</Link>
                                <Link href = '/' underline = 'none' style={{color : 'black'}} className={classes.Link}>Contact Us</Link>
                    <div className={classes.ButtonItems}>
                            <li><Button variant='contained' className = {classes.Button}>Sign Up</Button></li>
                            <li><Button variant = 'contained' className = {classes.Button}>Log In</Button></li>

export default HomeMenu;

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