How can you easily center content vertically on a web page?

There has been plenty of back-and-forth regarding this issue, with proposed solutions ranging from pure CSS to pure HTML. Some can get quite complex, involving deeply nested divs and intricate CSS rules. I'm looking for a simple and uncomplicated answer to this problem. It should not depend on CSS tables (such as {display: table;} because I am already using that to toggle the visibility of the entire div, and solutions involving it never seem to integrate smoothly with my existing codebase. Can anyone provide guidance on how best to approach this?

Answer №1

Here is the solution I devised:

<style type="text/css"> {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
  } {
    text-align: center;

<div id="hide-able">
  <table class="center">
    <tr><td><h1 class="center">This is perfectly centered!</h1></td></tr>

Answer №2

try setting the outer container to have a margin of 0 auto and a width of 900px like this:

#wrapper{margin:0 auto;width:900px}

this should give you a clean design. don't forget to include the doc-type for compatibility with Internet Explorer.

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