"Using jQuery to add emphasis to a table row and remove it again

I have a table with multiple rows, where I have styled each odd row in one shade of gray and the even rows in slightly different shades to make it easier to read.

When clicking on a row, I am currently highlighting it with a different color to indicate which record has been selected. However, I'm not sure how to revert the color back to its original when selecting a different row.

Currently, I find myself having to set all the rows back to their alternate gray colors as a workaround, and then apply the new highlighted color to the selected row.

I was hoping to find a better way to achieve this effect without resorting to such workarounds.

$(document).on("click","#div2 tr#abc", function(event) {

    barcode = $(this).data('barcode');

    $('tr:odd[id="abc"]').css('backgroundColor', '#FAFAFA');
    $('tr:even[id="abc"]').css('backgroundColor', '#F2F2F2');



Answer №1

My recommendation is to utilize CSS classes instead of relying on the css() function:


.highlight { background-color:yellow }


When a row is clicked, first remove the highlight class from all rows and then add this class to the clicked row:

$('#yourTable tr').on('click', function() {
   $('#yourTable tr').removeClass('highlight');

Answer №2

Avoid inline styling and utilize classes instead.

Update your CSS file with the following:

.selected {
    background-color: #FFD6F5

Update your JavaScript code as follows:

$(document).on("click","#div2 tr", function(event) {

Answer №3

Here is a simple solution for your problem:

By toggling CSS classes on rows, you can achieve the desired effect.

$(document).on("click","tr", function(event) {


tr:nth-child(even) {background: #F2F2F2}
tr:nth-child(odd) {background: #FAFAFA}

td{ width:200px; height:20px;border:1px solid black;}

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

Answer №4

If you want to improve your code, consider working with classes instead of directly setting css attributes:

CSS (order matters; refer to Rory McCrossan's response for different baseline coloring):

.color-even { background-color: #F2F2F2; }
.color-odd  { background-color: #FAFAFA; }
.color-hilite { background-color: #FFD6F5; }


$(document).ready( function() {


$(document).on("click","#div2 tr", function(event) {
    barcode = $(this).data('barcode');


If you want to allow selection of multiple rows, make sure to move the 'removeClass' method to where you handle deselection.

jsFiddle (live demo)

NB (id attribute)

In your click handler selector, you used the id 'abc' with the tr element. This may not be logical unless you have multiple rows sharing the same id. It's better to use classes for this purpose and you can add multiple classes in a single class attribute. jQuery makes handling this easier even though it can get a little tricky without convenience code.

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