Having trouble with multiple slideshows not functioning correctly. Any ideas on how to fix this

My current challenge involves setting up multiple slideshows on a single page with navigation dots to switch between each slideshow. The issue arises when I try to incorporate more than one slideshow, as the navigation dots either stop working or begin controlling slides from other slideshows.

I've searched through various threads for solutions and attempted different approaches without success. If anyone can identify what's going wrong in my code and provide a solution, it would be much appreciated. Note: Apologies for any grammatical errors in my explanation.

This is the code snippet I'm utilizing, originally sourced from W3Schools: Slideshow Link 1 and Slideshow Link 2


Answer №1

There seems to be an issue with this code, likely stemming from conflicting variables in your JavaScript. My suggestion would be to create a separate JavaScript file and link it in your index.html like so:

<scritp src=" *your JavaScript file path* "> </script>

By separating your code in this way, it will be easier to identify and troubleshoot any problems that may arise. You can then follow the same structure as demonstrated in the following links from w3cSchool: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_js_quotes_slideshow and https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_js_slideshow_multiple)

I have indicated areas within the code that you should address according to your specific needs:

The first two sections demonstrate default settings, while the third section is my addition. To expand on this pattern, you'll need to add more sections to the code yourself.

  <p>Slideshow 1:</p>
    // Code for Slideshow 1 here
    <p>Slideshow 2:</p>
    // Code for Slideshow 2 here

    <p>Slideshow 3:</p>
    // Additional slideshows can be added here

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