Conceal the Slider until Fully Loaded with Slick Slider by Ken Wheeler

I am currently using a slider function called Slick by Ken Wheeler. It is currently being loaded in the footer with just two variables.

              dots: true,
              fade: true

Currently, I am facing an issue with the ready functionality of jQuery where everything breaks until jQuery is fully loaded. Is there a way to hide the slider or resolve this issue so that it either loads first or doesn't load anything until all assets are fully loaded?

Thank you in advance.

Answer №1


In the case that you need to ensure the document has fully loaded before running your script, you can use the following method:

$(document).ready(function() {
        arrows: true,
        autoplay: true


Here is the CSS code:

.customSlider {
    display: none;

This solution assumes that you have initially hidden your .customSlider using Display: None until it is revealed with jQuery for better user experience.

Answer №2

.carousel { display: none; }
.carousel.slick-initialized { display: block; }

This is the most efficient method.

Answer №3

To hide your slider element, assign a class and set it to display:none. In your stylesheet, include:

    display: block 

For a smoother effect, consider adding opacity:0 to your slider element class, followed by

    transition:opacity .3s ease-out;

in the CSS.

Answer №4

Instead of relying on .show() or .slick-initialized, I prefer not to use them as they are dependent on third-party scripts which may change. I observed that the source code appears like this:

<div id="main-slider-whatever">
        <a href="">
            <img src="1.jgp />
        <a href="">
            <img src="2.jgp />

Slick adds numerous wrappers around images, so I included the following CSS in my stylesheet:

#main-slider-whatever>div>a>img {
    display: none;

This CSS rule specifically targets and hides images when they are direct children of the container without any extra slick classes added post initialization.

Answer №5

Implemented a clever concept from @vladkras

To eliminate Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) with just one image:

.carousel>div:not(:first-child)>img {
    display: none;

Showcasing only the initial image enables slick to include arrows and carousel features.

Answer №6

Have you considered utilizing the document.ready function in your code?

        dots: true,
        fade: true


It's a concise and effective solution!

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