How to integrate a toggle switch into an Angular datepicker component

Can the toggle switch be placed inside the calendar? I would like to have it positioned at the top of the open calendar so that users can choose to view date details using the toggle switch

<form #uploadForm="ngForm" (keydown.enter)="$event.preventDefault()">
  <div class="input-wrapper">
        [disabled]="datePickerDisabled || uploadForm.submitted"
        placeholder="Expiration date"
        required />
      <mat-datepicker-toggle matSuffix [for]="datepicker"></mat-datepicker-toggle>
      <mat-datepicker touchUi #datepicker></mat-datepicker>
    <div class="tooltip">This field is required.</div>
      (change)="setMaxExpirationDate($event)">Show Date Details</mat-slide-toggle>  

Answer №1

There are two approaches that you can take:

1. Customize the header by referring to the documentation: customizing header

Replicate the header from this SO answer:

/** Custom header component for datepicker. */
  selector: 'example-header',
  template: `
      (change)="setMaxExpirationDate($event)">Show Date Details</mat-slide-toggle> 
  <div class="mat-calendar-controls">
    <button mat-button type="button" class="mat-calendar-period-button"
            (click)="currentPeriodClicked()" [attr.aria-label]="periodButtonLabel"
      <div class="mat-calendar-arrow"
           [class.mat-calendar-invert]="calendar.currentView != 'month'"></div>

    <div class="mat-calendar-spacer"></div>


    <button mat-icon-button type="button" class="mat-calendar-previous-button"
            [disabled]="!previousEnabled()" (click)="previousClicked()"

    <button mat-icon-button type="button" class="mat-calendar-next-button"
            [disabled]="!nextEnabled()" (click)="nextClicked()"
</div>  `,
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class ExampleHeader extends MatCalendarHeader<any> {

  /** Handles user clicks on the period label. */
  currentPeriodClicked(): void {
    this.calendar.currentView = this.calendar.currentView == 'month' ? 'multi-year' : 'month';

(Make changes in the .html file to customize the controls as needed)

2. Put the mat-datepicker inside a mat-menu, as demonstrated in this another SO answer

Updated Accessing an element of the header might be challenging, but controlling the toggle is easier if you use an intermediate service. Imagine having a service like this:

  providedIn: "root"
export class CalendarService {
  private _event = new Subject<void>();
  public onEvent = this._event as Observable<any>;
  constructor() {}

  command(value: any) {;

You can inject the service in the constructor of customHeader:

    private _calendar: MatCalendar<D>,
    private _dateAdapter: DateAdapter<D>,
    @Inject(MAT_DATE_FORMATS) private _dateFormats: MatDateFormats,
    cdr: ChangeDetectorRef,
    private service: CalendarService

Then, if our toggle calls a function:

<mat-slide-toggle #toggle (change)="toggleChange($event)">
    Show Date Details

The function would look like this:

  toggleChange(event: any) {

In the ngOnInit function of the component, subscribe to the service:

ngOnInit() {
    this.service.onEvent.subscribe(res => {

You can see an example on stackblitz

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