Styling Fonts in Safari with CSS

Because FixedSys doesn't appear correctly in Chrome or Safari, I switch it to Lucida Console. While this solution works for Chrome, I encounter a problem with Safari. Unless Lucida Console stands alone, the font will not display as desired. If there are other styles present, it causes issues.

Take a look at the following image:

The first "Hello world!" text appears strange to me because it does not match my default Times New Roman font in Safari. I have double-checked and confirmed that there are no conflicting styles causing this issue.

Answer №1

font-family uses a fallback system that relies on the fonts installed on your device: for example, if you have FixedSys installed, Safari will try to use it. If you're experiencing issues with FixedSys not working in Chrome or Safari, it could be due to incorrect interpretation or a corrupt version of FixedSys.

Considering that Safari 4.0 final was released in 2009 and the current stable version is 5, there may have been a bug in Safari 4 beta's font rendering code.

In browsers like Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and newer versions of IE that support CSS correctly, there is no direct way to force a specific font fallback. You may need to either fix the issue with FixedSys (such as upgrading to a stable Safari version) or remove it from the font-family declaration.

Additional points to consider:

  • Lucida Console is not commonly installed on Macs, so for cross-platform compatibility, consider providing a fallback option like monospace.
  • According to CSS specifications, multi-word fonts should be enclosed in quotation marks. Make sure your CSS format follows this rule:
    font-size: FixedSys, "Lucida Console"

Answer №2

Would using quotation marks around "Lucida Console" have any effect?

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