Focused on individual characters in a string to implement diverse CSS styles

Is there a way I can apply different CSS classes to specific indexes within a string?

For example, consider this string: "Tip. \n Please search using a third character. \n Or use a wildcard."

I know how to target the first line with CSS using ::first-line, but is there a way to apply additional classes to only the words "character" and "wildcard" in that string? If not, how would I go about doing this in JavaScript or React?

Thank you

Answer №1

It is advisable to enclose your desired target words in <span> tags.

In addition:

document.getElementById(”text-box”).innerHTML = "Helpful Hint. \n Consider utilizing a third <span class=”ch”> element for searching. <span/> \n Alternatively, employ a <span class=”wc”> wildcard<span>."

Answer №2

The functionality you're seeking cannot be accomplished with CSS alone.

CSS Pseudo elements are meant to style elements not present in the HTML markup. The complete list of pseudo elements confirms that there isn't one specifically for selecting arbitrary strings.

To achieve your goal, JavaScript would need to be implemented.

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