Running CesiumJS is a straightforward process that can be done by

After diligently following the provided instructions, I managed to get cesium running locally.

I then attempted the hello world example as shown:

However, despite clicking on "open in browser," I couldn't see anything. It has been a constant struggle for me.

I am at a loss of what to do next.

Answer №1

It appears that your Cesium development server is running on port 8080, while your web browser is simply accessing the local HTML file via its filesystem path (C:\Users\GSY\...) rather than through the server. To view the HTML file properly, you need to serve it through http://localhost:8080/ and specify the path relative to where the server was started from. For instance, if the server was initiated in C:\Users\GSY\Desktop, try URL


I don't have specific details about your filesystem setup, so you may need to adjust the URLs according to your system and installation locations.

In a brief review of the Cesium JS quickstart page, it seems like you haven't configured your environment correctly with an API token, and the page doesn't display anything as a result. I recommend thoroughly going through the quickstart examples and referencing the API documentation for guidance on utilizing this tool effectively.

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