Controlling the Alignment of HTML Div Elements

I'm struggling to align some of these divs, especially centering them. I want the page to closely resemble this image:

Here are the specific requirements: 1) The header text should be centered vertically and placed in a separate div with a black background; 2) The colored square divs within the body should be equally spaced and centered on the screen, relative to screen size; 3) The footer containing copyright information and contact details should span the bottom just short of the margins of the black div (with copyright floated left and contact floated right), although the current code doesn't achieve this.

Below is the existing code I have:


Answer №1

When styling each <div> using CSS, incorporate the following:

margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

Answer №2

There was a similar situation I encountered in the past, have you experimented with

align-items: center;

within the styling sheet?

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