Attempting to repair navigation menu on website

Hey there, I'm currently working on improving the appearance of my website. The original site can be found at .

After integrating it with the community platform, I noticed that the navigation menu is not displaying correctly and the image is positioned lower than intended. Despite my efforts in troubleshooting, I have yet to pinpoint the source of the issue, especially since I haven't made any modifications to the div containing the nav menu.

You can view the modified version of the site at .

I believe this may be a simple mistake on my end, so I appreciate any help or suggestions you can provide. Thank you!

Answer №1

It seems like the issue you're facing is due to the varying heights of each navigation image on your website. This inconsistency in image sizes is disrupting the alignment between horizontal line rows and image rows because no styles are applied to the table cells.

If possible, consider reformatting the navigation using an ordered list with text instead of image text. Using images for navigation, as seen on your site, is generally not recommended practice.

If a redesign is not feasible, try standardizing the height of each image to create a more uniform appearance.

*Note: It appears that you may have used an online GUI editor to create this navigation. If so, I may not be able to provide detailed assistance with Grou.PS. You might need to revise the navigation for better precision.

Thank you

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