Is there any method to ensure that IE8 properly displays opacity for a `:before` pseudo element?

Here is a simple CSS snippet that I am working with...

div:before {
    content: "Hello there";   
    filter: alpha(opacity=40);
    -moz-opacity: .4;
    opacity: .4;

Check it out on jsFiddle.

In Firefox 6, the :before pseudo element displays with the correct opacity. However, in IE8, the opacity is not applied.

Usually, setting the opacity on the main div works fine, but that's not what I'm aiming for.

I attempted to add display: block to no avail.

While I could find a way around this issue, I was wondering if there's a clever trick to make IE8 recognize the opacity property on a :before (and perhaps also on a :after) pseudo element?

Answer №1

It seems like a tricky situation.

A similar issue arose for me in the past, and I came up with a workaround solution (by avoiding the use of :before).

Here's a logical explanation as to why it might not be feasible: Why does a filter gradient on a pseudo element not work in IE8?

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