Receiving a null value when attempting to access the ids of dynamically created HTML elements using JavaScript

Encountering issue with accessing ids of dynamically generated HTML elements using javascript

In my current project, I am attempting to dynamically alter the ids of div elements and remove buttons that are appended to the parent div. The desired functionality is such that when a user clicks on a button with the id removeButton2, I want the id of removeButton3 to be updated to removeButton2, and the id of removeButton4 to be changed to removeButton3. Essentially, after removing the buttons, the ids should be adjusted accordingly. However, I am encountering an issue where I keep getting a null value returned. I am unable to determine the reason behind this error. Below is the code snippet I am currently utilizing:

var removeButtonCounter =0;
var divCounter=0;
var addButtonClickCount=0;
  removeButtonCounter++; divCounter++;addButtonClickCount++;

  $('#diplayContainerDiv').append('<div id="divQueryDisplay'+   divCounter +'"></div><div id="removeButtonDiv"><input type="button"  value="Remove" name="removeButton" id="removeButton'+  removeButtonCounter +'"> </div>');

  $("#removeButton" + removeButtonCounter).click(function() {
    var myId =; 

  var lastChar = myId.slice(-1);
  valRemoveButtonClickLastChar = lastChar;

   var i=valRemoveButtonClickLastChar;

        document.getElementById(myId).id="removeButton"+i;  // null value is being passed

        document.getElementById("divQueryDisplay"+(parseInt(i)+1)).id="divQueryDisplay"+i;   // null value is being passed here    




The error message received reads as follows:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'id' of null

Answer №1

In this scenario:

let myIdentifier =;



You are deleting the element with the myIdentifier, but then you are attempting to select it again and assign a new id.

If you insist on changing IDs dynamically, I suggest iterating over all buttons simultaneously for efficiency:

document.querySelectorAll('div[id^="removeButton"]').forEach((removeButton, i) => { = 'removeButton' + i;

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