The vertical alignment of the wrapper div does not support multiple lines of text

I am having trouble achieving vertical alignment (middle) for a div with 2 lines of text. I can do it with one line, but not two. I want one of the lines to be formatted like a h2 heading, and the other like a regular paragraph. I understand that I could stylize them to look like "h2" and "p" elements, but I cannot figure out how to place them on separate lines.

<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="image-wrapper">
        <img src="">
    <div class="text-wrapper">
        <p>How is this aligned?</p>

  border:1px solid #f00;
  margin:0 auto;
.text-wrapper p{
.text-wrapper h2{

Can anyone guide me on how to solve this issue?

Answer №1

To improve the layout, remove inline from p and h2, then set display:inline-block for .text-wrapper: Check it out here!

Update: The issue with multiple lines is due to the default max-width being 100%. To fix this, you can set a specific max-width value that accommodates both text and image:

Visit this link for the solution!

Answer №2

Apply these styles to .image-wrapper and .text-wrapper:

display: table-cell;

Delete the current styles from .text-wrapper p and .text-wrapper h2.

Final CSS:

.wrapper {
  border:1px solid #f00;
  margin:0 auto;
.image-wrapper {
  display: table-cell;
  padding-right: 1em;
.text-wrapper {
  display: table-cell;
h2, p {


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