Conceal your password using HTML techniques

My goal is to hide passwords from being visible unless a user hovers directly over them. I've tried using the code below, but the hover effect isn't working as expected - either the password disappears completely or remains visible at all times.


    <td id="pass"><a> Password </a></td>

I'm struggling to understand why this doesn't work properly. Any help would be appreciated!

Answer №1

It has been brought to light that there is a bug in your code:

#pass a{
#pass a:hover{

Moreover, there is another error present. When the element disappears, the hover event will not be triggered. To address this, you should use the sibling selector:

#pass:hover > a

Check out the demo here

Answer №2

#pass.a{ is searching for an element with id="pass" class="a"

What you need is

#pass a { and #pass a:hover { to target the a that is a descendant of the element with id="pass"

Answer №3

#secret.b signifies element with id=secret and class=b. I believe this may not be the solution you're seeking.

Switch out the dot for a space:

#secret b

#secret b:hover

Answer №4

When utilizing the . selector, it typically signifies a class selector. However, in this scenario, you should be targeting the element using the tag selector #pass a.

Consider implementing the following:

#pass a{

#pass a:hover{

Answer №5

The following code functions correctly.

apply a{display:none;}


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