distinguish different designs for individual components in Angular 5

My project is divided into two main parts: one for public web pages and the other for an admin control panel. Each part has its own set of CSS and javascript files for custom templates.

If I include all CSS and js files in index.html, they all load at the beginning of the webpage, potentially causing conflicts between CSS classes.

How can I resolve this issue?




import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { Routes, RouterModule } from "@angular/router";

import { FirstComponent } from './first/first.component';

const appRoutes: Routes = [
  { path: 'first', component: FirstComponent },
    path: 'controlpanel',
    loadChildren: 'app/control-panel/control-panel.module#ControlPanelModule'
    path: 'publicpanel',
    loadChildren: 'app/public-panel/public-panel.module#PublicPanelModule'

Each module contains submodules. Is there a way to keep their styles separate?

Answer №1

Utilize sass to create a separate class for both public and admin elements as shown below:


  label { 


.admin { 
  label {

Then, include the following in your main style.scss file:

@import "theme/_public.scss";
@import "theme/_admin.scss";

This approach enhances app performance by consolidating public and admin page styles into one stylesheet.

View stackblitz example

Answer №2

I stumbled upon the answer! It turns out we have the ability to deactivate or activate CSS files within a component.

document.styleSheets[2].disabled = false;


document.styleSheets[2].disabled = true;

Simple as that!

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